RCP Polling: Who is Going to be The GOP Nominee for Pres.

If you have been following the polling you should find no big surprises here. As for Trump some people thought it he was a fad but the steady polling will suggest otherwise. It seems he represents  what most of what the people that vote Republican feel. These voters don’t like immigrants even if their own parents or grand parents were immigrants. They hate programs for the poor and hate to pay have health insurance. They also believe there is something wrong with this country which makes it not great (for the reasons I just mentioned). Never mind the US is the most powerful nation on earth, spending over half its income on the military. No other nation has a more discipline bigger, tech davy as the US compared to any large nation. That is why when Trump says he will make America great again it resonates with these voters even if the only thing America could do to be greater is to destroy the world with Nukes to kill ISIS. Not the Soviet union since for what ever reason Trump believes the fallacy ex President Bush believed, that the Russians interests are similar than the US and they can be negotiated with and come on top.

 Some people expected and still expect the GOP establishment which is said to hate Trump would do something to stop him. The problem with that is the establishment on this election cycle is small, less powerful and at the end of the day they will back up whomever puts them or keeps them in power.

Between Trump and Cruz they don’t trust Trump because they see him as a loose cannon but they hate Cruz and they already know that he is not smart but conniving and he will be worse for the establishment than Trump. Trump has also promised he will stop some of the shenanigans of the primary coming into the general election if he was the nominee.

