
Showing posts with the label anti gay Politician

Mike Pence FIRST VP to Speak at Anti Gay Group's Values Summit

"We Believe Survivors': Protesters Surround Cruz at His Restaurant

Trump is At It Again protecting Gays: Creating Loophole for Contractors to Discriminate Against "His LGBTQ"

Gay Couple in Root NY Are Denied Marriage License by Clerk's Office } It Repeats Again!

Maine GOP Gov LePage Vetoed Bill to Banned Gay Conversion Therapy

Realtors Revolt at Rep.Dana Rohrabacher Statement "Don't Need to Sell/rent to Gays"

GOP Rep.Dana Rohrabacher Tell Realtors They Should Be Allowed to Not Sell to Gay People

Moore Supported a Rabidly Hostility Towards LGBT and Its Advocates

Kentucky Judge Who Refused to Hear Gay Adoptions Issues Resigns

Jeff Session Working Hard at Disfranchising Gays-Hatred Gets HigherThan Pot