
Trump Wants NASA’s 58 Yr Mission to Study the Earth Slashed

Rogue (Faithless) Electors’Talking’ in the Background-Clinton Wants No Part!

Love is a Drag: Mysterious Gay Albums from the 60’s Revealed

On Friday Walmart Became a Mammoth LGBT Rights World Leader

The Human Cost of Bringing LGBT Rights to the Forefront

Gov. McCrory is Finally Gone But is He Going to Work for Trump Next?

’Tyrone Cried Before his Suicide Afraid of Going Back to School’ A friend Confirmed

Gay Blood Donation Science Now Political Most Change Faster

Bangladesh LGBT Remain Hiding After Dash Attacked 7 Moths Ago

Deplorable’s Can’t Add that Trump’s 35%Tariffs will be Pay by Consumers

Missing Body of 16 yr Old Found with Unattached Limbs Youth Arrested

Adios Fidel! The Comandante is dead long live the Comandante