Some of Trump’s Supporter Go After Anderson Cooper

Donald Trump may not have voiced a coherent position on a handful of LGBTQ issues (or, really, anything at all) but it's unsurprising that Trump supporters aren't exactly pro-gay. Following Anderson Cooper's attempts at debate moderating on Sunday night, Trumpublicans and Trumpettes took to Twitter to voice their displeasure with the openly gay moderator. And they weren't exactly polite.
While Trump's denigration of Cooper stayed away from actual homophobic slurs, the presidential hopeful did accuse Cooper of bias. "I don't think Anderson Cooper should be a moderator because Anderson Cooper works for CNN, and over the last couple of days, I've seen how Anderson Cooper behaves,” said Trump to the Washington Post. “He'll be very biased, very biased. I don't think he should be a moderator. I'll participate, but I don't think he should be a moderator. CNN is the Clinton News Network, and Anderson Cooper, I don't think he can be fair." During the debate itself, Trump accused the moderators of coordinating a "three on one" attack against him and repeatedly alleged that he was not being given enough time, despite speaking for longer than his opponent Hillary Clinton throughout.
Trump's supporters, on the other hand, were somehow even less cordial. Taking to twitter to hurl gay slurs at the noted journalist, the right-wingers have clearly not abandoned intimidation and homophobia as tactics, as exemplified by a collection of tweets compiled by The Daily Dot
 Adamfoxie blog sees no redeeming value in publishing all the homophobic, anti gay obscenities that Trump’s supporters are tweeting and sending out. I have no idea about Facebook (every time I have seen it I have complaint and is been taken out, you should do it too. Help clean this out) but on newspapers and internet publications the name calling is been disappointing and one wonders how much we have advance as a society. Trump’s manner of speaking and throwing out all kind of stuff, truth has been no part of it.  This have given what some of his supporters believe is open license to the homophobic bigot anti gay they always were. It seems the decease was dormant but very much alive right under the surface. 
