Biden on B.Clinton: “He’s Paid” Unlike Trump

Bill Clinton’s sexual improprieties shouldn’t matter in this election because the former president has already “paid the price,” Vice President Joe Biden said Friday.

Throughout his campaign, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has broached Clinton’s infidelities in attacks on Hillary Clinton, even going so far as to host a pre-debate discussion with some of Bill Clinton’s accusers, whom he also invited to attend last Sunday’s presidential debate.
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“No, it shouldn’t matter,” Biden told NBC’s Chuck Todd in an excerpt of a “Meet the Press” interview.

“Look, I can’t make any excuses for Bill Clinton’s conduct, and I wouldn’t attempt to make any excuses for the conduct,” Biden continued. “But he paid the price for it. He paid the price. He was impeached, and he was — he expressed his deep sorrow and acknowledged what he did.”
But Trump, Biden said, has conceded that he’s been a sexual predator who’s abused his power — though in Sunday’s debate Trump maintained that his lewd rhetoric only consisted of words and no action. Even so, three women accused Trump this week of having either forcibly kissed them or groped them, allegations the GOP nominee vigorously denied Thursday and has claimed to show evidence “very soon" to debunk those accusations.

“This guy, as I said, has acknowledged that he has been a sexual predator,” Biden said of Trump. “He’s acknowledged that he’s abused his power. And, as I said, the textbook definition of what constitutes sexual assault.”

Trump threatened this week to continue slinging mud at the Clintons if more damaging videos like the 2005 “Access Hollywood” clip of the real estate mogul boasting about forcibly kissing and groping women with impunity because of his celebrity surface.

“If they wanna release more tapes saying inappropriate things, we’ll continue to talk about Bill and Hillary Clinton doing inappropriate things,” Trump warned at a Pennsylvania rally Monday. “There are so many of them, folks.”
