Need to Find This NYC, NJ Bomber Now!

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This suspect was captured in NJ today. Someone complaint there was a man sleeping at the entrance of a building. When police arrived he pulled out his gun and tried to kill the officer. He was then shot by police. He was taken to a local hospital where he is in stable condition. The officer is also fine.

 The police is very eager to interrogate him and find out why he wanted to hurt and kill strangers particularly in this nation that had given him and his father and family refuge. He is a naturalized American citizen from Afghanistan. He is made a few trips there and back. Along the way someone convinced him that it was ok to turn towards those that have given his family refuge and thus seemed to be doing well here.
He was living with his father on a building that houses the family’s “First American Fried Chicken” shop in Elizabeth, NJ.

Should family’s be made responsible for their radicalized adult siblings? This is a question some will be asking but this is becoming something that is happening more and more. The kids of family’s that are doing well here after immigrating having children that turn against this nation. The Orlando shooter was also the son of an Afghanistan refugee. 

I believe we should treat them according to the law but people will be asking what does the law says and how it can be made stricter. Actually we probably don’t need new laws because it its at the hands of a judge that will probably will take all the facts which we don’t have right now to make sure there is never any problem from this individual again but one has to ask how we can try to make others see that such things will bring a price of those left behind. Would that serve as a deterrent to someone who is willing to convert himself into a so called martyr?Would he care?

The best answer is for everyone to keep their eyes open. Intelligence and cameras help tremendously in finding out a culprit before people are hurt and kill or after an incident like this to help the police catch him before he does more damage. A tough job and an imminent thread that is not going to disappear while we have the fighting with ISIS and Al-caida. 

