UK Decision Going into Iraq Criticized in Inquiry (IRAQ War in pics) “Trump Remarks"

The 2.6 million-word Iraq Inquiry report was released Wednesday, in which probe chairman John Chilcot criticized the United Kingdom and former Prime Minister Tony Blair for their decision to invade Iraq in 2003 "based on flawed intelligence." Blair said that while he made the war decision "in good faith and in what [he] believed to be the best interests of the country", he admits that going to war was the "most agonizing" decision he ever made.
Include the following visualizations for a timeline of the Iraq War as well as UK military deaths in post-WWII conflicts and in the Iraq War specifically.
Breaking: Donald Trump praised former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein for his strategic handling of terrorism in Iraq at a campaign rally Tuesday night in Raleigh, North Carolina.
Include the following visualizations to show the rise of terrorism in Iraq after Saddam Hussein was removed from power. 
