Oppression, Oppressors and Race


Oppression [ wikipedia ] "is the exercise of authority or power in a burdensome, cruel, or unjust manner.[1] It can also be defined as an act or instance of oppressing, the state of being oppressed, and the feeling of being heavily burdened, mentally or physically, by troubles, adverse conditions or people, and anxiety".

     We as Americans hear the word oppression. We quickly draw up images of horrible dictators. Some we even know by name, we can remember some of the  atrocities they committed. By most accounts we have a good grasp of what oppression involves. That is not always a true statement. There are factors most people never bring to mine. Color of skin, sexual orientation, political alignment,Job affiliation, club or group affiliation, and religious faith. These factors are only relevant to those of which they fit. Oppression is experienced by each of us to varying degrees. We will go thru some of the ways we feel the oppression . But clearly do not see it as that.

     National Oppression [ wikipedia ] "is the mistreatment of people depending on what their nationality is. When analyzing national oppression, the difference between a country and a nation must be set apart". We as Americans see this everyday. We see most of our southern neighbors treated in this fashion.  Lets say they are here illegally; Many Proud Americans have darker skin as their heritage would define it. It is every one’s place to observe these injustices against these people. Biased by our side beliefs and assumptions by the persecutor; Many walk past and never see this for what it is. Assumptions are not just cause for human rights violations to occur. 

     Racism is seen as a national Oppression in the united states. It is hidden under the word 'racism'. But it is simple oppression over color. By definition African Americans form a nation within a nation. Just as palatinate is viewed to Israel.  They are in all aspects a nation of people with in a nation of peoples.. This makes 'racism' a form of oppression that most Americans have never seen as such. This is the type of oppression only affecting a small number. So only that small number. Has the true feeling of that type oppression. Most Americans live outside this Demographic. 

     Social Oppression [ Wikipedia]:  “Social oppression is the socially supported mistreatment and exploitation of a group, category, or team of people or individuals.”  This form of oppression is what the LGBT{ Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender} Americans experience. We stand against what is considered  normal behavior  per the  population. There for it is seen as socially expected to belittle them. Use foul words towards them. Deny them jobs. Even the denying of benefits in most states. This form of social oppression is carried out for the most part to align with church doctrine. Although The LGBT community faces oppression from individuals at work places and even our own homes at the church's urging . Oppression can even be experienced from their own families. Again this form of oppression is really not seen as wrong because it is socially accepted to do so. Only thru Church teachings has this oppression arisen from. And with America a mostly religious oriented country . The LGBT have experienced this oppression for years. As they still do to this day.

    Institutionalized oppression.[ Wikipedia ] "Institutional Oppression occurs when established laws, customs, and practices systematically reflect and produce inequities based on one’s membership in targeted social identity groups". This category is not seen by many in America. It is a very specialized form used to control small groups or parties. When the laws are written to where an ecessive large number of signatures is needed to get a third party on the ballot. This is a form of this type of oppression.  We can have political differences but keeping in mind that  smaller groups are affected by larger groups. But the smaller the groups is where the oppression is concentrated. Many on the other parties viewed this as nothing wrong not oppressive at all, yet had it happened to them in their large number it would be viewed as very oppressive, a crime. Oppression only seems to matter to the oppressed at any moment in time.

Systematic oppression (Wikipedia): “Police and law are themselves often examples of systemic oppression.  The term oppression in such instances to refer to the subordination of a given group or social category by unjust use of force, authority, or societal norms in order to achieve indoctrination. 

Through institutionalization, formally or informally, it achieves the dimension of systemic oppression. Oppression is customarily experienced as a consequence of, and expressed in, the form of a prevailing, if unconscious, assumption that the given target is in some way inferior. Oppression is rarely limited solely to formal government action: "An individual may be the particular focus of oppression or persecution and in such circumstances have no group membership in which to share, and thus may mitigate, the burden of status”.

In psychology, racism, sexism and other prejudices are often studied as individual beliefs which, although not necessarily oppressive in themselves, can lead to oppression if they are codified in law or become parts of a culture. By comparison, in sociology, these prejudices are often studied as being institutionalized systems of oppression in some societies. In sociology, the tools of oppression include a progression of denigration, dehumanization, and demonization that often generate scapegoating, which is used to justify aggression against targeted groups and individuals.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the concept of the “Human Rights" in general were designed to limit oppression by giving a clear articulation of what fundamental freedoms any system should allow to all of the people over whom it has power.

When oppression is systematized through coercion, threats of violence, or violence by government agencies or non-government paramilitaries with a political motive, it is often called political repression. More subtle forms of political repression can be produced by blacklisting or individualized investigations. 
As most Citizens can see plainly, systematic oppression is where all the other oppression are laid on the people. We can all be subject to this form of oppression  because we are all subject to the laws set down by Politicians. This is where oppression gets its force of law. When the police are used against it citizens to oppress, this becomes a fundamental human right’s issue. To use one's own police force against one judges who enter pleas for you, or forces you to plea [ under threat of arrest] is considered oppression. Police who coerce information out of us by [threat of bodily harm or jail] is oppression. Most officers go about their job never knowing they commit this against their fellow citizens. It is just part of the job for them. 

Using threats to get what they want: We have human rights and even a bill of rights to protect us from this abuse of power. This oppression happens to the largest numbers of American citizens. We never notice them at all as oppressive in a free world but by definition a lot of what the government does is oppressive to its people. We have always assumed that America was the best place to live by far it is better than most. But even here the oppressive nature of individuals is what most oppression comes from. If it was less socially accepted by all of America, we would see it begin to change but as long as so much of it goes unseen for what it really is, the Injustices will continue here as through out the world. 

 Oppression will always exist. As we never notice it for what it is. We as American's have a duty to understand what it is. Call it out when we see it. We have a duty to stand beside those that are not our own. Oppression starts with the weak. But with more powers it comes down on all who never noticed it before. The more they over look as just part of life now. Only makes it worse for the ones coming behind. Oppression has a firm grip on America, seen and unseen. Those who live under and have experienced it. Understand the urgency in stopping it. As the laws grows more in number so will the oppressive behavior of government and the police. Stand against oppression now where you see it or you will both stand together behind the fence of oppression. Because as you allowed it to become your norm so will others until no one sees it as out of the norm. Then it is completely socially accepted and you are living in a policed state, with you being the very oppressed one.

     I will leave this article with some of the world's worst offenders by country 

 [1] Turkmenistan.

 [2].Equatorial guinea. 


 [4]. North Korea.

 [5].Saudi Arabia.




     We know most of these from what they stand for and the laws they enforce. What they have done to their people over the years we view most it as human rights violators thru out the free world but we never look around us and grasp the full implications of oppression in America. We see it happen to other people. We see it as only happening in other countries. Most citizens walk away and consider it not any of their business. But on the contrary it is all our business. As with most dictators listed above. They all have great police forces trained and armed to fight wars. 

We always assume it will never be us oppressed. The saddening thing is by the time it happens. It is to late for you. Your oppression has already begun. And like most with you, You will not even see it coming. You lack the full experience to see what oppression is. It only takes a vote of law and we can all be oppressed under the full force of law. Oppression may always exist. With that said. It only has force of law when one citizen is willing to just follow commands and play the oppressor. Therefor it takes a conscience choice to be the oppressor. Laws may be passed but they still need an oppressor willing to do it. Orders can be given but without the willing oppressor. They hold no authority and force over their fellow man. Make each conscience choice so you are not furthering oppression in your own life and that of others. Oppression only exist because we allow it. We as a mass are greater than the Government. What we accept as social norms dictates the law, what we consider to be ok for one will some day be one of us. Never consider an injustice deserved on superficial parameters of the norm. What is normal for the spider it is chaos for the fly. Do not be the fly overlooking the norm as we see it.

