Interview with Andrew Scott (Moriarty) and His Next Movie“Pride” See him in pictures can get you…

   I am posting(adamfoxie) an interview with Andrew Scott, who plays Moriarty in the hit TV series “Sherlock,” (openly gay) and b  (Posted by Word Press)      
Kevin Li ( get the following  background before the questions on the interview:
 According to Mirror, he has said that his sexual preference did not affect his working life in a negative way. He is currently busy promoting his latest comedy film,  ride," where he plays Gethin, a gay bookshop owner.
 gay younger times

Pride is about the miners' strike in 1984. The movie is based on a true story about the unlikely alliance that happened between a group of gay and lesbian activists from London and a Welsh mining community. In order to help the miners during their yearlong strike, the gay rights activists raised thousands of pounds for the Dulai Valley mining community. Andrew Scott said that it was an extraordinary story that is not known by many people.
Andrew Scott, as part of his promotion for the film, took part in an Ask Me Anything (AMA) segment on Reddit. However, reviewers were not very impressed by his answers and comments. Taking part in a Reddit AMA is supposed to be a good way to build online camaraderie, but Andrew Scott more or less somehow failed at it.

Critics said that his appearance was one of the worst AMA's of all time because the actor was only able to answer about two dozen questions while writing very few words. There were also several instances when he did not even answer the questions thrown at him.
The whole event has left people wondering what truly happened, although no answers are forthcoming. It would seem that someone from Andrew Scott's camp thought that an appearance on Reddit was a good idea. Perhaps the actor was overwhelmed because when celebrities come for an AMA, someone from Reddit typically helps to them type the answers. The overall verdict was that the AMA did more harm than good.
Here are some of the questions and Andrew's responses: 
Q: What was it like (almost) kissing Benedict Cumberbatch?
A: Ben is my friend and my colleague. 
Q: Hey, what is your opinion of all the creepy fandoms on Tumblr?
A: Most people are really lovely. 
Q: What do you think youth around the world can do to stop hate crimes against the LBGTQ community?
A: Be kind to people. Everybody is going through something. 
Q: Hi Andrew. As an Irishman, what do you think is Ireland’s most significant contribution to television/film?
A: Its writers I would say.
Q: I remember you once mentioned that you play tennis, do you play with a one-handed or two-handed backhand?
A: Two handed.
Q: Are you a guy who has pineapple on pizza?
A: I am a guy who has pineapple on pizza, but not every time. You gotta shake things up.
Q: What are you working on after pride? Any plans for on stage?
A: I’m gonna take a bit of rest for a bit.
Q: The story of how gay & lesbian activists came out in support of the miners isn’t that well known in the UK. Was it exciting to be able to rectify that and what was it like working with such an incredible cast?
A: It’s an unbelievable story that will make you laugh and cry and be a bit nicer to people and I’m so proud to be part of it. It’s the most extraordinary cast too; they’ll blow your mind.
Q: Hi Andrew! I was lucky enough to see you in Birdland twice this spring and you were absolutely incredible. I’m a huge fan of yours and Simon Stephen’s work and wondered if you had any thoughts on what makes him such a great playwright? xx
A: He writes dialogue like no other, and he’s courageous as anything, and he’s a brilliant human being.
Q: Is Pride a film for all ages? I was planning on taking my whole family to see it :) x
A: Do it bring them all you won’t regret it i promise you x
Q: What was it like (almost) kissing Benedict Cumberbatch?
A: Ben is my friend and my colleague.
Q: Do you ship Sheriarty?
A: No
Q: Hey, what is your opinion of all the creepy fandoms on Tumblr?
A: Most people are really lovely.
Q: Hi Andrew, I was fortunate enough to catch a pre-screening of Pride in London, and thought it was one of the most courageous, self-aware and powerful pieces of film-making I’ve seen.
Your performance was spectacular, and some scenes were heartbreakingly raw – dressing gowns and socks outside Gay’s the Word was a particular favourite.
I understand that the directors chose to ‘blend’ the stories of your character and Jonathan’s real-life partner, which I think comes off very well. To what extent were you able to work with the film’s real-life counterparts/their journals of the time, and to what extent were you left to interpret the role for yourself?
A: Thanks so much that means a lot. I was left to interpret it myself. But it was brilliant to have the real guys around.
Q: How come you and me have never taken a hot air balloon ride together?
A: It is weird.
Q: What color are your socks today?
A: Kinda stripey
Q: Andrew, I’ve always wanted to know what inspired you to get into acting? You have been such a huge influence in my pursuit of theater and film, and your portrayal of Moriarty was just brilliant. Thank you so much for everything!
A: That’s very nice of you.
Q: Oreos?
A: Positive
Q: Hi Andrew! If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be?
A: Right where i am
Q: Would you say PRIDE is a comedy, or will it make us cry, or perhaps both? Thanks, Andrew!
A: Both!
Q: What do you think youth around the world can do to stop hate crimes against the LBGTQ community?
A: Be kind to people. Everybody is going through something.
Q: What is everyone like behind the scenes?
A: Well they’re not all exactly the same.
Q: What are your current favorite songs?
A: Anything by Kate Bush.
Q: Are you secretly a spice girl?
A: Very nineties question.
Q: Andrew my friend Amira is at school right now but her birthday is really close and she looks up to you a lot you are her idol and I was wondering if you could say happy birthday to her? It would mean a lot xx
A: Happy birthday Amira xx
Q: 70s, 80s or 90s???
A: Now
Andrew: Thanks everybody. Lots of love xx

Ai đã từng nhìn thấy giao diện của trang Reddit thì chắc cũng hiểu nó khó xem như thế nào, ngồi theo dõi được câu hỏi và câu trả lời thôi đã rối mắt lắm rồi. Nhưng hầu như mỗi khi có dàn cast của Sherlock tham gia Reddit AMA thì mình đều ngồi save lại từng câu hỏi vào một bài cho dễ đọc. Khá tốn thời gian và nhức mắt nhưng thường thì các bài Q&A trên Reddit đều làm mình ‘thỏa mãn’, riêng AMA của Andrew lần này làm mình thấy hơi buồn. Không biết là do bị xếp lịch chồng chéo hay bên agent quản lý và Reddit tổ chức event này ko tốt, hay vì Andrew có chuyện gì gấp mà AMA lần này của anh câu hỏi được trả lời rất ít, mà câu trả lời cũng cụt lủn, điều quan trọng nhất là ko hiểu sao cứ có cảm giác là ko phải Andrew trực tiếp trả lời toàn bộ các câu hỏi vậy. Số lượng câu hỏi lớn và thời lượng ít thì đôi khi cũng có người của trang Reddit giúp các khách mời typing, và mình có cảm giác cứ như họ cắt bớt câu trả lời ý -_- . Đọc #AskAndrew trên Twitter và xem nhiều phỏng vấn đều thấy phong cách nói chuyện của Andrew khác lắm.
Pictures above: adamfoxie blog

By :
Ben Schnetzer, Joseph Gilgun, Andrew Scott and Dominic West in Pride
Given the, shall we say, inglorious Tory record on gay rights in that era, does he find it at all ironic that it’s under Cameron’s government that gay marriage has finally been voted through? “I think that’s pretty cool, actually! It’s preposterous to me – sometimes I think people talk about different types of sexuality as if they were invented in 1973. You know, it’s been going on since the dawn of humanity, and will continue until the end of humanity, whenever that may be.”
He throws down a napkin theatrically and does a cross-legged leap back in his seat. “I don’t believe people are intrinsically homophobic. I think they’re ignorant, and they need to be exposed to things. There’s something very relieving about the idea of attributes of compassion and heroism and a belief in everybody. So it’s not a film for just gay people or miners. Just because you’re not a woman, doesn’t mean you don’t believe in women’s rights!”
I don’t want to use the term “game-changer” about Scott’s Moriarty, but luckily he uses it for me, invisible quotation marks and all. There’s no doubt it has boosted his profile – he says he has to get “a bit fighty” to avoid being asked to repeat himself, still finding his own independent avenues. And he’s glad fame didn’t come too soon: “Nor do I want it now,” he adds.
You can understand why. Thanks to Sherlock, he has an almost scarily devoted fan base who watch his every move. There’s YouTube footage of him being mobbed at the stage door after a performance of Birdland, uncomfortably pressed into a brief telephone chat with someone’s sister in Spain. “It can get a bit crazy. You have to escape via an alternative exit. But then you’ll walk down the street unrecognised to Prêt à Manger.”
He must see what it’s like for his friend Benedict Cumberbatch and recoil even further. “He copes with it really well.” The Sherlock stars, from the sound of it, are all adjusting to the new audience they bring along. “Birdland was sold out, and Martin [Freeman]’s play [Richard III at Trafalgar Studios] was sold out, and… I believe Benedict’s play [Hamlet at the Barbican] is doing OK?! I sent him a text the other day, saying I’d pay up to three grand for a ticket, book me in.”
Scott hasn’t forgotten the tabloid rumours of overexcited Freeman fans disrupting performances of Richard III. “But it’s brilliant that young people get excited,” he says. “I feel very strongly that the theatre isn’t just for white, middle-class people. Someone’s phone might go off, but for the most part they’re extremely respectful, they know the rules. I don’t think it’s fair to sensationalise and say they’re throwing cake at each other. It’s fear-mongering and it’s wrong. A little bit like Pride, that idea of us and them, I really abhor that. I hate it.”
If there’s a surprising dearth of any one thing on Scott’s résumé, it’s Shakespeare. I’ve always thought he could be one hell of a Dane, with that aching, soul-sick charisma of his. Will it be his turn soon? “Well, erm. I’m really looking forward to seeing Benedict. But there are, erm… what’s the thing to say? It’s in the ether.”
Pride is out now
