Happy Pride to ALL Plus more

Happy Pride to All

Page by Levi Pulkkinen - Here’s the world's longest human rainbow, made up of 31,000 students, faculty and alumni of the ...


Governor Cuomo

A message of pride

In this changing year and times for the community of gay people; As we fight and win when we put our resources together to be included in our government and nation as legal as human beings and civil inhabitants we will need to watch those knives from those we thought were on our side. Those that supported us because it seemed it was the right thing to do for their careers.  Some of them seemed to be shocked that we are not different. We do all the things people do, good and bad. We even have sex which has disgusted a long time supporter I wont mention right now.They got our support and and they gave us at time the opportunity for many to hear our message.

 That is all good.  The important thing is, there are still honest of heart people as I wait for their minds to to make the final decision and there is no doubt that if they happen to be good open hearts as mentioned it will be easy for them to see the truth and see that in the little journey we make today in this life we were meant to support each other and not let rules of religion or words of fear take that away..

I would think believers would want to believe a just loving god. To serve a mad violent god and not a loving one, why would anyone want to spend eternity (if you believe in that) with this mad, judging killer of a god? We are born and have a life full of choices. I don’t doubt that somewhere along we have to pay the piper for those choices we make but to make choices of abandoning friends and family because of religious dogma, it seems to me so ungodlike, so merciless, so self-righteous.
 What pride means to us is not just to show colors but to celebrate our accomplishments and our undivided resolve to not have to live closeted out of fear.

 Every year the walks, parades bring the message home which is that we are here and we don’t want to be tolerated but accepted as just any other human being. 
Happy pride to those watching and those doing the lifting.
