Mrs Obama Eyed The Heckler & Said "You Take the Mic and I Leave Do You Understand?"

The Best Defense is a good Offense in the Case of a Heckler without manners.

White House spokesman Jay Carney said Michelle Obama responded "brilliantly" to a heckler who interrupted her speech at private fundraiser 
Carney was asked if he talked to President Obama about the incident on Tuesday night, in which the first lady threatened to leave a Washington, D.C., event after a tense verbal exchange with a gay rights activist.

"I haven't asked the president that, but it's my personal opinion that she handled it brilliantly," Carney said.
The first lady was attending a fundraiser for the Democratic National Committee at a private home when she responded curtly to a protester identified as Ellen Sturtz, with the pro-LGBT rights group GetEQUAL. 
 The first lady then threatened to leave, according to the White House press pool report. The report said Obama left the lecturn and approached Sturtz, saying people in attendance could "listen to me, or you can take the mic, but I'm leaving. You all decide. You have one choice.”  
"One of the things that I don’t do well is this," Obama said in response to the heckling, according to an official White House transcript. "Do you understand?”

The first lady's threat to leave was not in the official White House transcript of her remarks, which only listed an "Inaudible audience interruption."
Sturtz was escorted out. She was protesting a proposed executive order that would prohibit federal contractors from discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity.
Watch video of Obama's encounter here:
