Mayor Bloomberg NYC Refuses to Stop Gay Bashing-Killing But He Goes After John's

Mark Carson

After every bias attack against the Gay Community or any other Community I have insisted that these attacks could be stopped only if the NYPD would do what they do with prostitution. I don’t understand that the mayor of NYC see prostitution as more dangerous and worse for the city than gay people being beat up and killed. 
Why is this? This mayor who was a late comer to gay marriage and was never a gay supporter actually he as a detractor with his money which not only went and goes to republicans fighting DADT but private companies which were and are anti gay. He was anti gay and fighting gays when the bill came to the NY state Legislature.  It wasn’t until Mario Cuomo was elected that now Governor Mario Cuomo talked to the mayor and asked him to get with the team and it would be detrimental to the mayor to have New York State vote for gay marriage and not have the mayor of NYC back it.
The Mayor all of a sudden converted with passion. I mean he went from constipation to Niagara Falls.
The mayor even endorsed the governor’s plan to help republicans in danger of loosing their seats if they voted for the bill. What gave the mayor the “Niagara Falls” ? When he saw the numbers behind the bill and who was backing it, it helped change his mind but the Governor really gets the credit.
 He did not want to be in the loosing side. He is a republican from ground up but when the Grand Old Party becomes just too antagonizing he jumps to the Independent side, which clearly is not him. The independents like libertarians are people that don’t trust either party but they know they need to vote. So they remain open to vote for the person without endorsing the party. 
You usually don’t find Independents that would vote 99% percent for people on either party except one billionaire, mayor Bloomberg. Even with the city council  you have the Speaker Christine Quinn a speaker who has backed Bloomberg on most things. Even when Bloomberg wanted to change the term limits law, with her vote and help change the charter to have the mayor run an unprecedented  third term.
How does he pay Christine back? By making public jokes about her and her being you know.... A Lesbian! He is NOT backing her on her running for mayor!  You see Christine Quinn is a Lesbian. He is not going to back a lesbian to be the mayor of NYC. He has been encouraging individuals all of  them Republicans including the Police Commissioner. Anybody but a woman and then lesbian, not even his daughter or may only.
So Why Am I bringing all these facts forward? Is it to have  people know a little more about the mayor? No, I don’t care, he can’t run again because he has said so many nasty things about the speaker that she wound’t be snowed a second time. Besides she really thought she will get his support on this election. But the mayor is never kept any promises to the LGTB community in New York when you look closer. What I am saying is and explaining with his past mayoralty is that he has never put any kind of teeth to preventing the killing of the gays in this city. I’M also saying that if he were to put the same backing and enthusiasm that he has for John’s and Prostitudes' of this city to gays, this ridiculous problem that doesn’t goes away of gay bashing and killings would be totally controlled. May be he believes a woman’s place is in the house not selling it on the street. So that gives him a priority over actual deaths of a community. 
Why doesn’t he cuts vice in half and the other half to catch gay bashers? It would be so easy and all he  would need would be extra room in jails. May be that’s it. The mayor does not have the budget to have more jail cells for gay bashers. Do you want to do something, email or mail this posting or your own words to the mayor. Gay bashing can stop but it happens everyday. The media only covers the worse of it.
Below I added the success of the vice squad and we are asking half of that force to save lives.
****The NYPD nabbed more than 150 johns in a citywide sting targeting people paying for prostitutes, police said.
The three day “Losing Proposition” initiative took place between May 30 and June 1, during which time cops arrested 156 people for patronizing a prostitute and seized 32 vehicles in addition to making nine other arrests for various offenses, police said.
“The department is focusing on the demand side of the equation. The exploitation of women is not a victimless crime,” top cop Ray Kelly said.
Since 2011, "Losing Proposition" initiative has resulted in more than 900 arrests for people patronizing prostitutes and cops have seized more than 220 vehicles.
In addition to expanding this initiative, Kelly has added a Human Trafficking Squad to “identify and arrest individuals engaged in wholesale trafficking of human beings for the purpose of prostitution.”
Last month cops busted a 35-year-old Harlem man for sex trafficking and promoting prostitution, police said. He was keeping three women, one a missing 17-year-old from Connecticut, in an East Harlem housing project.
Those arrested for paying adult prostitutes for sex face up to one year in jail, while promoters of prostitution, face up to 25 years behind bars, according to the NYPD****.

 *NYC Leaders Concerned Over Murders of Gay Men

 * Shooting death of gay man rocks New York's cradle of gay rights
