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Can You Enlarge Your Penis? The Answers Here

   Adamfoxie* has been doing research on this for over a year.
We have posted a few times articles from different well known Universities or Publications. Still this is a feel in which men keep asking and keep wanting to know more. They figure that medical science today is capable of doing it, after all they can reconstruct most sex organs on a women’s body.
Men have seen miracles done with vets coming out of Iraq and Afghanistan. Everything we have learn of any successes is based on the ability of the Doctor involved and the money that the patient is willing to pay. But I’m putting the penis before the cart.  Let’s review what this business is all about and why some men are just not satisfied with the tools they’ve got.

Because the desire for a bigger penis is both a preoccupation and a source of concern for many men, the penis enlargement 'market' has flourished. So what are the options? What works and what doesn't?
Pills and Potions for Penis Enlargement
There are literally hundreds of adverts and articles on penis enlargement -- your inbox probably suffers as a result. They talk of the amazing, 'unbelievable' results that can be achieved. The only honest word here is 'unbelievable'. Save your money. Nothing currently on the market has a permanent affect on increasing penis size.
Vacuum Devices for Penis Enlargement
Vacuum devices are often recommended for the treatment of impotence. They are also advertised for penis enlargement because the penis does increase in size for a time.
Vacuum pumps are placed over the penis. Air is then drawn from the tube and this creates pressure. As a result, blood is forced rapidly into the penis, as happens in an erection. A ring is then applied temporarily to the base of the penis to stop the blood draining away too quickly. Penis enlargement will only work for around 24 hours.
There can also be side effects. Blood vessels can rupture causing swelling and pain. If you do want to try a vacuum device for erectile problems, or you feel it might be a pleasant sensation, you do need to be aware of the potential dangers and the fact that some devices available are poorly designed.
Penis Exercises
As the penis does not contain any muscles there are no exercises or massage techniques that will enlarge it, (except in the short term).
Surgery for Penis Enlargement
Surgery offers the only permanent solution for enlargement of the penis. Through surgery, the penis can be visually enlarged, usually by just over an inch. The surgeon will cut the ligaments that hold the penis in its usual position and this allows the penis to descend. Weights, or stretching devices, are then used for a few months to effect a permanent increase in size. The procedure may result in scar tissue, the erection will point down, and the base of the penis will be hairy.

Penis enlargement surgery – a good idea?

As you might have guessed already, in this article, we are going to be looking into penis enlargement surgery and try and come up with a conclusion as to whether it is a suitable option for men who wish to add an inch or two to the size of their penis. At first glance, it sounds like a great idea. Just like women can enlarge their breasts with surgery, so can we our penises, right? Well, things are a bit different in reality and it is nowhere near as simple as that. But let’s start from the top.
The reason why penis enlargement surgery was invented and developed was for treating certain conditions that impair the functionality of the male organ. One of such conditions is micropenis, which involves a penis that is extremely small and that cannot function properly because of this. With penis enlargement surgery, this condition can be treated to an extent when the organ becomes perfectly functional. Of course, it didn’t take long before the commercial potential of this type of surgery was realized, which has resulted in many surgeons and clinics offering the ability to enlarge the penis for men who do not suffer from certain conditions and who simply want a bigger penis.
There are a number of different penis enlargement surgical procedures and it would take simply too long for us to go into details about all of them. There are those which are aimed at extending the penis, while there are also those aimed at enhancing the girth of the penis, which is something many men are looking for. In all of the cases, these are extremely complex procedures, which results in a number of drawbacks for this solution.
First of all, the fact that these are extremely complex procedures has resulted in high costs of these surgeries. They require a huge team of highly trained surgeons and other personnel, as well as some very expensive equipment necessary to do this type of surgery. All of this makes penis enlargement surgery extremely expensive, especially if you want the best service possible, and with your penis on the line, you want the best service possible. The costs of penis enlargement surgery are never below several thousands of dollars, while in most cases, these costs will be as high as several tens of thousands of dollars. Another drawback to the cost of penis enlargement surgery is that health insurance will not cover for these procedures as they are cosmetic.
Another drawback that is the result of the complexity of penis enlargement surgery is the safety of it all. Namely, there is just so much that can go wrong that the chances of something actually going wrong are not that small. First of all, there are the safety risks involved with any type of surgery, such as issues with anesthesia, issues with the possibility of human mistake, bleeding, bruising, etc. On top of all this, there are the risks that are more exclusive to this type of surgery, involving damage to the penis, scar tissue and the inability to perform.
When you take all this into consideration, you must start to think that the results must be so dramatic that it is worth the risk. Well, the reality is such that less than 40% of men who have gone under the knife to enlarge their penis are satisfied with the results. The majority is either completely dissatisfied with the results or think that the results should have been more dramatic. It turns out that this penis enlargement option is not even that great when it comes to efficacy.
In the end, it seems that penis enlargement surgery is not all that it’s cracked up to be and that there are some very serious drawbacks that should make you consider it twice before you actually do it.

Safety aspect of different penis enlargement solutions

When we are talking about the different aspects of penis enlargement, there is something we must not fail to mention and that is the safety aspect. It really makes no sense if a product or a technique is efficient if you are going to have to risk your health and the health of your penis in order to achieve it. In this article, therefore, we are going to be talking about the safety of different penis enlargement solutions.
Penis enlargement surgery is majorly unsafe for a few reasons. The first reason is that it is surgery and that like every other surgery; it involves risks that cannot be ignored. On top of the risks involved with any surgery, there are also certain risks that are more specific for the penis enlargement surgery. For instance, injuries to the penis, bruising and the loss of functionality are also possible, making pens enlargement surgery very unsafe or at least risky.
Penis enlargement exercises are also very unsafe because there are no clear guidelines and the medical professionals haven’t yet looked into these exercises. The low level of safety of these exercises can be observed from the history of use. Namely, more than a few men have been severely injured when doing these exercises. In most cases, the injury as to the penis, making this option a completely pointless one. You want to be able to use the new and improved penis.
Penis extenders and natural supplements are exceptionally safe and this is why these two are among the most popular choices among men who want to enlarge their penises. Penis extenders were designed in such a way so as not to pose any risk to the health of the penis and the individual. Natural supplements are used utilizing only natural ingredients which results in products that are perfectly safe for everyone’s health and which do not produce side effects. Of course, if you have certain medical issues, you will want to check with the doctor beforehand, but you should be able to use them.
In short, penis exercises and penis enlargement surgery are two options that cannot be considered too safe, while natural penis enlargement products and penis extenders could not get any safer, making them superior options.
adamfoxie* has received advised from many sources through out the last 18 months. All public informaton, besides private consultations with a couple of Doctors that treat men. But the idea for this article was the idea of this blog as one of the investigative reports that we are always working on and report it when we have the answers. If we can’t get the answers obviously you wont hear it about it from us.
 One of the assignments we have is with a US Senator that has opposed the lifting of DADT, DOMA and “family values” is been many times on his lips. He is not even married. We know some answers but we need the proof. We are too financially strap to send an investigator to bring us information. So we use the net. A source of everything if used right. May be one day you will give us an investigative unit by donation, patronizing the ads or living us on your will. One can dream! Until then, we will try to keep doing what we do.
adamfoxie*blog International
