Ricky Martin Very Upset About Puerto Rico’s Intend in Changing The Law to Exclude Gays

On Monday we learned that Puerto Rico was moving toward eliminating existing LGBT protections from its hate crimes law. By Monday night, one of its most prominent citizens and one of the world's most visible out celebrities spoke out against the pending legislation. So, what does Ricky Martin have to say about his homeland's attempt to lessen the punishment of its unfortunately rampant epidemic anti-gay hate crimes?
In a blog post titled the Penal Code of Puerto Rico, Ricky writes:
"I am very saddened by the turn it has taken in Puerto Rico on the discussion of the criminal code proposing to eliminate the aggravation in cases where crimes are committed by prejudice against the victim.

"Today, when great nations are focused on providing its citizens basic rights, some politicians of my country promote inequality and hatred. They should do a little homework and review the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted, a document declaring the General Assembly of the United Nations on December 10, 1948 in Paris, which says "Everyone (citizens) are equal before the law and entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law ...."
We're kind of bummed Ricky didn't mention LGBT people outright in his post, but cheers for standing up nonetheless, right?
(Source and image source: RickyMartinMusic.com)
