82 Yr Old Straight Ex Wife Advocates for Marriage Equality (watch vid)


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Amity Buxton tells it like it is.
82-year-old Amity Buxton founded the Straight Spouse Network after learning her husband of 25 years was gay in 1983.
The revelation that her husband had hidden a secret relationship with man before they wed from her rocked her world, and let to the couple’s separation, divorce and respectful reconciliation as proud parents, if not lovers.
Buxton’s organization had us scratching our heads at first – what does a Straight Spouse Network do exactly?
But to hear her rattle of statistics about the 3.5 million children who are raised in homes with one gay parent and one straight, we came to quickly agree that SSN is telling an important chapter in LGBT history that may have otherwise gone undocumented.
After you finish watching this woman’s inspirgaytional video, do me a favor and whisper a thank you to your computer screen. Nobody even has to know but you and me. Buxton could have easily become one of the Maggie Gallaghers of this world, spending her life in angry protest against the LGBT community because her spouse deceived her. Instead, she became one of our staunchest allies, continuing to fight for our rights even at the ripe age of 82.
